About Benjamin O. Paine
Amphidrome™ is a fixed film biological nutrient system developed by W. Keith Dobie Sr., President of F. R. Mahony & Associates, Inc. at the time. Rights to the patent were sold to Tetra Corporation, now De Nora. Don McCarty of Tetra assisted in the patenting process and is also named on the patent. Mr. Dobie and F. R. Mahony & Associates Inc. received a license to provide Amphidrome™in the United States. Mr. Dobie sold FRMA to senior employees and is now President of Benjamin O. Paine Company.
B. O. Paine Company is a family company where Mr. Dobie worked as a teenager. Benjamin Paine was Mr. Dobie’s great-grandfather. The company evolved from horseshoes in the mid-1800s to steel rims for wagon wheels, then to railroad car wheel carriages, and finally to sharp-edge tools. The tool factory was originally powered by a waterwheel. The company owned a reservoir to provide sufficient water to the waterwheel. In a roundabout-way, managing the reservoir brought Mr. Dobie into the wastewater field, combining his interest in water with his academic interest in microbiology.
Why is Amphidrome™Chosen
Click here to read a detailed article on The Amphidrome Process.